Monday, July 28, 2014


                   Control Thoughts 
 Freedom Journey:  Train Eyes
Controlling our thoughts is perhaps the most difficult task of walking in freedom.  Pornography is a powerful source of sinful images that our memory can easily recall.  If you have been letting sexual fantasy run wild in your thoughts, you're probably wondering if its even possible to get control over the thoughts.  What is impossible in our own strength is possible when we have the Holy Spirit helping us.   Our responsibility is to work in partnership with the Holy Spirit to bring our thoughts into obedience to Jesus.  
This is a great and unconditional promise concerning the gift of salvation and a satisfying life on Earth. If you ask to be saved, you’ll be saved. If you seek salvation, you’ll find it. When you knock on the door of the Kingdom, it will be opened. This promise comes at the end of the Sermon on the Mount. In it, the Lord had explained the futility of trying to earn a place in the Kingdom, saying that it is not just our outward behavior that would condemn us, but also the motives that energize it. Anger equals murder; lust equals adultery, and so on. (Matt. 5:21-28) He also said not to worry about making it through life here. If we would first seek His Kingdom and His righteousness, everything else would be given us as well. (Matt. 6:33) Now we are told that all we have to do is ask to receive these things.
The interpretation of the narrow gate in Matt. 7:13-14 as referring to a sacrificial life filled with have-to’s and don’ts is man’s idea, not God’s. It helps to understand that everyone on the road is seeking salvation. The broad road with its wide gate is filled with those who follow false religions or try to earn their own way to salvation. The narrow road with the small gate represents asking the Lord to save you and then relying on His completed work on your behalf. If it was living a sacrificial life then salvation would come through works, not grace. It would be like asking the Lord to free you from your burdens, only to discover that He has laid a heavier burden upon you instead. As Christians, we must walk on a narrow road, which means that we live Holy in the sight of God and man. We cannot live like the ungodly people who shows no remorse when it comes to understanding the truth of God’s Commandments. Notwithstanding, we cannot give up on them, we have to pray for them that someday God will leads them to Him as he did to us.

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