Word of the Living Prayer Ministries welcomes you to our
Blogs! Word of the Living God Prayer Ministries was founded by Pastor Catherine Gray- Taylor, to
proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, restoring and seeking souls for the
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Moreover, to share the Word of God to all nations’
tongues and languages... Our ministry provides counseling to the
youths all over the world through Facebook, emails and blog. Our ministry encourages
Christians that are already on the battlefield for Christ to be encouraged and
to those seeking answers about Christianity, and not the pleasure of this
sinful world. Word of the Living God
prayer ministries are dedicated to preaching the gospel, and will do whatever
it takes to bring a soul to the Lord.
Our ministry pays people to attend church every Sunday and bible studies
every Tuesday evening @ 7: p.m. We stand passionately behind the youth with
counseling and prayer.
Word of the Living God Prayer Ministries also encourages new
Christians to stands strong on the rock of Jesus and does what he wants them to
do, keep his commandments, keep away from idols and other false gods and all
will be we well with them. New Christians are also encouraged to read the bible
daily in order to know more about the God they are serving. In addition, word
of the Living God Prayer Ministries has a twenty-four hours prayer line for
those who need prayer. Our ministry
provides encouraging Scripture verses on our blog to comfort everyone in time
of trouble. Pastor Catherine Gray-
Taylor who is the founder and Senior Pastor of the ministry dedicated he time
daily on the streets of Rochester, NY, counseling them to becomes good citizens,
by finishing High School, move onto colleges and universities, abide by the law
of God and the law of the land and it shall be well with them. Pastor Taylor is
a people person and she wants everyone to go to heaven. She feels that Satan do
not deserves to get God’s people. Pastor Taylor is an effected prayer worrier,
when she prays, God answers. There are
many sermons of Pastor Taylor online- Aboundant Blessings Show Spreaker.com
Word of the Living God Prayer Ministries is asking everyone not to allow their
hearts to be troubles- as Jesus said,
Let not your heart be troubled: ye
believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many
mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for
you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will
come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. (John 14:1-4)
We are bible-believing
church. We do not add or cut from the word of God, so it is written, so it is
read and interpret to the members or visiting friends to comprehend.
Jesus said these
words about taking away from the word or adding onto the word,
“Abiding by the word
of God is the best policy.” Said Pastor Taylor
We thank you for
visiting our blog and we hope you will
be filled by many of pastor Taylor’s word from the Lord. Leave a comment. God
blesses all of you.
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