Friday, September 5, 2014


Good morning everyone: I want to give you a great advice. It is for you to take it or refuse it. This is my advice, be careful how you treat people- because you do not know what the future has in store for you. Whatever seed you sow, that shall you also reap, been in the medical field for over twenty years, I have seen and heard voice crying out for forgiveness and mercy for people that they mistreated. In the medical field, we called such behavior (hallucinations) I am a warning and off the pulpit pastor who walks through and through the community where I dwell, counseling and restoring lives for the kingdom of God. I have spoken to hundreds of young people about their behaviors toward their fellow men. However, during our conversation these young people has only one word, and it goes, “No one loves us-they only condemned us.” Wow! That is ashamed, don’t you think?
My friends if God has given you double potion of blessings, it is not for you to use to intimidate the poor and the needy, and it is for you to share among them. Wake -up my friend s and remember the seed that the rich man sowed against the poor man-see St Luke 16. Put yourself into the position of person who is hungry, naked, and homeless on the street; especially in the wintertime or on a hot summer day.  When he or she is hungry and thirsty for a drink of water and walk up to you and BEG YOU FEW PENNIES TO EAT AND DRINK AND YOU WALK AWAY OR DROVE BY AND LEAVE THAT POOR PERSON STANDING WITH A BROKEN HERT. If you have a living conscience how do, you feel and how do you sleep that night? I believe you should hear the voice of the beggar man in your ear AS YOU LIE DOWN IN YOUR SOFT BED TO SLEEP.  Saying, please help me I need help! Good morning, I want to give you a great advice, do good to every man because you do not know the future. The things you are doing now live after you and your generation.

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