I read upon all the good things you are doing to the poor and the needy
in Lagos Nigeria- I extend my blessing across the water upon you and
your families lives. May God bless you more abundantly to take care of
the less fortunate as you are doing. May he keep you from all evil,
envious people jealously people- and build a fence of protection around
you and your family. For a young person to be doing what you are doing
to help the poor, you are blessed and sent by the Almighty God of
Israel. I love you. You know, my heart is to help the poor and the
need...I cannot do it right now, you are doing it, God bless you. Go
also to the public markets as I was doing when I was in Lagos, look for
the lame and feed them. I love you... much more to say.... Again, I love
you. Live bless!

If everyone that is successful return back to his or her community and give back, it would be a blessing in the eyes of God and men. You know, it is very wise to help those who are in need. Remember you cannot take your wealth with you to the grave-give and it will come back to you. We were created with dust according to the bible and dust shall we return. Can dust pick up anything? no dust blows away.
God bless you- have a heart-give.
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