Tuesday, May 27, 2014



 He is gone but not forgotten:    R.I.P.      
here today, but Jesus my loving Savior kept me through all my pain and questions about my Son's untimely death. This is why I love my God without conditions. I have been through the storm, but he kept me and he never let me go. Today I'm courageous and bold in the Lord. In addition, when you have a child that fly away without a cause, there is no closure, only the question, WHY Lord? despite this lost, God has a plan for him. I'm writing about my deceased Son because he came into my spirit this morning. A mother will always be a mother until death.
There are names given to people left behind after a death.  A wife who loses her husband is called a widow.  A husband who loses his wife is called a widower.  A child who loses his parents is called an orphan.  But there’s no word for a parent who loses a child.  We all experience loss during our lifetime, no one is spared.  The loss you can reasonably anticipate, like the death of an aged parent, though heart-breaking, is at least within the realm of what most of us would consider to be the natural order of life.  A parents’ death severs a life-long connection to the person who first gave you unconditional love, the person who created a refuge where innocence could unfold into wisdom, the person who gave you legs to stand on and wings to fly.  I thought my heart would break when my parents passed.  But parents die before their children. You always knew it would be so.
It is said that when a parent dies you lose your past, but when a child dies, you lose your future.
Pray for me that I will continue live in hope and God will forever gives me courage and strength to carry on in time like this. It is not easy- I am living with this excruciating pain. 

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